special day…

November 4, 2008 at 2:14 pm (musing) (, )

today is a very special day for…

my dad and mum, my uncle and aunt in melbourne and also my sis!

firstly, it is my dad’s and mum’s 30th anniversary. That means… 30 years of sufferings together and of each other *haha*, 30 years of driving each other mad (mad as in koo koo and mad as in annoyed mad). ok. i wouldn’t say they’ve had the perfect marriage. then again, who does?

BUT at least they had 30 years of good and bad times together and don’t you think 30 years of being married to each other is a loooong time seeing the fact that nowadays divorce seems to be the “in” thing! 

So, here is my toast to you guys… happy anniversary and hopefully many more to come along with good memories!

Secondly, it is ALSO my uncle (my mum’s bro) and aunty’s wedding anniversary this special day! They are ever thoughtful and sent a basket of stuff to my parents and also a bouquet of roses for my sis.

Which brings me to THIRDLY and lastly, it is also yet another important day as it is my sister’s birthday. Hopefully, one year older meaning one year wiser (which is sth i ALWAYS say to bday ppl =p ). Super Happy birthday to you! May you continually be blessed (which you always are seeing what a great sis u have in me… *haha*) and that your wishes do come true or at the very least one of them =).

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